Edge Computing#

Synonyms: Fog Computing.

In Brief#

Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm in which processing and data storage are brought closer to the data sources. This should increase response times while also conserving bandwidth. Rather than referring to a single technology, the phrase refers to an architecture.

More in Detail#

Edge computing is defined as any form of computer software that provides reduced latency closer to the requests. It can be defined as any computing outside the cloud that happens at the network’s edge, and more particularly in applications where real-time data processing is necessary. While cloud computing works with huge data, edge computing works with immediate data or data created in real-time by sensors or users. Virtualization technology may be used in edge computing to make it easier to deploy and execute a wide range of applications on edge servers.

Edge computing has its roots in content distributed networks, which were developed in the late 1990s to provide web and video content from edge servers located near consumers. In The early 2000s, these networks expanded to host applications and application components at edge servers, leading to the first commercial edge computing services, which hosted applications including dealer locators, shopping carts, real-time data aggregators, and ad insertion engines. Edge and fog computing are examples of new technologies that can help reduce energy use. These technologies enable redistribution computing closer to the user, lowering network energy costs. Furthermore, having fewer data centres reduces the amount of energy consumed in operations such as refrigeration and maintenance.

This entry was written by Andrea Rossi, Andrea Visentin and Barry O’Sullivan.