
Synonyms: Dependability.

In brief#

The objective of reliability 1 is that an AI system behaves exactly as its designers intended and anticipated, over time. A reliable system adheres to the specifications it was programmed to carry out at any time. Reliability is therefore a measure of consistency of operation and can establish confidence in the safety of a system based upon the dependability with which it operationally conforms to its intended functionality.

More in detail#

The usual definition of reliability is the probability of a system performing its intended functions under expected conditions. Reliability is closely related to Robustness and resilience, but the focus is on the time dimension, which is different from other safety considerations. That is, the system can perform its designed functionality for the intended period of time. Hardware reliability is in general well studied, or there are mature methods for testing and assessing hardware reliability. Thus, the focus of AI reliability, different from traditional reliability studies, is on the software system. Compared to hardware reliability, software reliability is typically more difficult to test, which brings challenges to the research and development of reliable AI systems.

Kaur and Bahl [1] defined the reliability of software as “the probability of the failure-free software operation for a specified period of time in a specified environment”. There are thus three key elements in the definition of reliability, “failure”, “time” and “environment” (or “operational profile”). Failure means that in some way the software has not functioned according to the customer’s requirements [2]. The failure events of an AI system can be mostly related to software errors, in addition to the failure of hardware. For hardware failures, [3] discussed that AI hardware failures are related to software errors, aging, process variation, and temperature. Software failures, understood as a departure of the external behavior of the program from the user’s requirements, are usually related to software errors and interruptions. For example, the occurrence of a disengagement event is considered as a failure of the system for autonomous vehicles [4]). Note also the related term of software “fault”, which refers to a defect in a program that, when executed under certain conditions, causes a failure—that is, what is generally called a “bug”. The time scale in AI reliability can be different for different structure levels or AI applications (e.g., calendar time, cycles, calls, etc., to AI algorithms, or, miles driven for autonomous vehicles or the length of a conversation between a customer and an AI chatbot, when analysing particular applications). Finally, the operating environment includes both the physical environment for hardware systems (e.g., compute, temperature, humidity, etc.), and non-physical for software systems (e.g., data, libraries, meta-settings, etc.).

Software reliability is not only one of the most important and immediate attributes of software quality, it is also the most readily quantified and measured. From the basic notion of reliability, many different measures can be developed to quantify the occurrence of failures in time. Some of the most important of these measures, and their interrelationships are summarised below (adapted from [2]):

  • Hazard Rate, denoted by \(z(t)\), is the conditional failure density at time \(t\), given that no failure has occurred up to that time. That is, \(z(t) = f(t)/R(t)\), where \(f(t)\), is the probability density for failure at time t, and \(R(t)\) is the probability of failure-free operation up to time \(t\). Reliability and hazard rate are related by \(R(t) = e^{-\int_{0}^{t} z(x) dx}\).

  • Mean Value Function, denoted by \(\mu(t)\), is the mean number of failures that have occurred by time \(t\).

  • Failure Intensity, denoted by \(\lambda(t)\), is the number of failures occurring per unit time at time \(t\). This is related to the mean value function by \(\lambda(t) = \frac{d}{dt} \mu(t)\). The number of failures expected to occur in the half open interval \((t,t + \delta t]\) is \(\lambda(t) \dot \delta t\).

Failure intensity is the measure most commonly used in the quantification of software reliability [2]. Software reliability models have appeared as people try to understand the features of how and why software fails, and attempt to quantify software reliability. Given that the quantities associated with reliability are usually random variables (due to of the complexity of the factors influencing the occurrence of a failure), reliability models follow the form of random stochastic processes defining the behaviour of software failures to time. Over 200 models have been established since the early 1970s (see [5] for a survey of software reliability models). Since the number of faults in a program generally changes over time (as they are usually repaired when they appear), the probability distributions of the components of a reliability model vary with time and, thus, reliability models are based on nonhomogeneous random processes.

Finally, it should be stressed that, when people desire extremely high reliability because of the critical nature of a particular application, e.g. for autopilot software, they often use formal logical systems to maximise their certainty of implementation correctness [6, 7].

While many of the concepts in software reliability apply to artificial intelligence, some approaches are not directly applicable because the lack of a clear specification, and accordingly there are many other sources of faults that are not software ‘bugs’ or hardware errors.



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Yili Hong, Jie Min, Caleb B King, and William Q Meeker. Reliability analysis of artificial intelligence systems using recurrent events data from autonomous vehicles. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.01740, 2021.


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Stuart Russell. Unifying logic and probability. Communications of the ACM, 58(7):88–97, 2015.

This entry was written by Jose Hernandez-Orallo, Fernando Martinez-Plumed, Santiago Escobar, and Pablo A. M. Casares.


Definition taken from {cite}`david2019understanding under Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.