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TAILOR: Foundations of Trustworthy AI – Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization

D3.3 Handbook on Trustworthy AI (Version 1)

Read this first#

This is a working document for the Version 1 of the D3.3 Handbook on Trustworthy AI, the Tailor WP3 Handbook on Trustworthy AI. This is a Tailor project deliverable with two versions: Version 1 (M22) and Version 2 (M46).


TAILOR is an EU-funded ICT-48 Network (GA 952215) with the purpose of building the capacity of providing the scientific foundations for Trustworthy AI in Europe by developing a network of research excellence centres leveraging and combining learning, optimization and reasoning.

  • TAILOR will create a network of research excellence centres across all of Europe on the Foundations of Trustworthy AI based on four powerful instruments (a strategic roadmap committee, basic research program to address grand challenges, a connectivity fund for active dissemination to the larger AI community, and network collaboration activities promoting research exchanges, training materials and events, and joint PhD supervision.

  • TAILOR will develop an ambitious research and innovation roadmap for the foundation of Trustworthy AI leveraging Europe’s strengths and opportunities, across multiple disciplines, maturity levels, and geographical location. Seeds for its implementation will be proposed: challenges regarding both the basic research themes and application use-cases; a PhD program favouring immersion of PhDs in industry.

  • TAILOR will launch and execute five basic research programs validating the operation of the network and performing ground-breaking basic research integrating learning, optimisation and reasoning in key areas for providing the scientific foundations for Trustworthy AI.

  • TAILOR will develop and build on new mechanisms to step up AI outreach, harmonize training curricula, and significantly strengthen European capacities in AI research on Trustworthy AI.

  • TAILOR brings together leading AI research centres from learning, optimisation and reasoning together with major European companies representing important industry sectors into a single scientific network to reduce the fragmentation, boost the collaboration, and increase the AI research capacity of Europe as well as attracting and retaining talents in Europe.

TAILOR, like all the research projects, is based on Work Pakages (WPs). WP3 (Trustworthy AI) aims at advancing knowledge on the six dimensions and putting each of them in relationships with foundation themes.

About the Encyclopedia#

This book (to be consolidated in the second phase of the project) represents the first period deliverable, providing an encyclopedia of the major terms related to trustworthiness. Here, you can find definitions related to:

  • ../T3.1/T3.1.

  • ../T3.2/T3.2.

  • ../T3.3/T3.3.

  • ../T3.4/L1.Accountability_and_Reproducibility.

  • ../T3.5/T3.5.

  • ../T3.6/T3.6.