Saliency Maps#

In brief#

Saliency maps are explanations used on image classification tasks. A saliency map is an image where each pixel’s color represents a value modeling the importance of that pixel in the original image (i.e., the one given in input to the explainer) for the prediction.

More in detail#

The most used type of explanation for explaining AI systems working on images consists of saliency maps. A saliency map is an image where each pixel’s color represents a value modeling the importance of that pixel for the prediction, i.e., they show the positive (or negative) contribution of each pixel to the black box outcome. Saliency maps are a very typical example of local explanation methods since they are tailored to the image that must be explained.

In the literature, there exist different explanation methods locally explaining deep neural networks for image classification. The two most used model-specific techniques are perturbation-based attribution methods [6, 7] and gradient attribution methods such as sal [8], elrp [9], grad [10], and intg [11].

Without entering into the details, these XAI approaches aim at attributing an importance score to each pixel in order to minimize the probability of the deep neural network (DNN) labeling the image with a different outcome when only the most important pixels are considered. Indeed, the areas retrieved by these methods are also called attention areas.

The aforementioned XAI methods are specifically designed for specific DNN models, i.e., they are model-specific.

However, relying on appropriate image transformations that take advantage of the concept of “superpixels” [1], i.e., the results of the segmentation of an image into regions by considering proximity or similarity measures, also model-agnostic explanation methods (such as lime [1], anchor [5], and lore [12]) can be employed to explain AI working on images for any kind of black box model.

The attention areas of explanations returned by these methods are strictly dependent on both:

  • the technique used for segmenting the image to explain and

  • to a neighborhood consisting of unrealistic synthetic images with “suppressed” superpixels [13].

A different approach for generating neighborhoods is introduced by the local model-agostic explanation method abele [3]. This method relies on a generative model, i.e., an adversarial autoencoder [14], to produce a realistic synthetic neighborhood that allows retrieving more understandable saliency maps. Indeed, saliency maps returned by abele highlight the contiguous attention areas that can be varied while maintaining the same classification from the black box used by the AI system.

Fig. 19 reports a comparison of saliency maps for the classification of the handwritten digits “9” and “0” for the explanation methods abele [3, 4], lime [1], sal [8], elrp [9], grad [10], and intg [11].


Fig. 19 Example of saliency maps returned by different explanation methods. The first column contains the image analyzed and the label assigned by the black box model b of the AI system. [1].#



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This entry was readapted from Guidotti, Monreale, Pedreschi, Giannotti. Principles of Explainable Artificial Intelligence. Springer International Publishing (2021) by Francesca Pratesi and Riccardo Guidotti.