Resource Allocation#

In Brief#

Cloud computing provides a computing environment where businesses, clients, and projects can lease resources on demand. Both cloud users and providers want to allocate cloud resources efficiently and profitably. These resources are typically scarce, therefore cloud providers must make the best use of them while staying within the confines of the cloud environment and meeting the demands of cloud apps so that they may perform their jobs. The distribution of resources is one of the most important aspects of cloud computing. Its efficiency has a direct impact on the overall performance of the cloud environment. Cost efficiency, reaction time, reallocation, computing performance, and job scheduling are all key difficulties in resource allocation. Cloud computing users want to do task for the least amount of money feasible.

More in Detail#

The provision of services and storage space for certain tasks specified by users is referred to as resource allocation. Different resource allocation mechanisms are used to accomplish this. Resource allocation techniques entail combining cloud provider operations when assigning and utilising scarce cloud resources, as well as addressing the demands of cloud applications so that they may accomplish their goals. The two stakeholders in a cloud computing system, cloud consumers and cloud providers, have distinct objectives. Cloud providers encourage customers to utilise as much of their resources as possible in order to increase earnings, whereas consumers have the opposite purpose in mind. They aim to reduce their cloud computing costs while maintaining their performance requirements. There are a variety of ways for achieving a balance between resource allocation and cost. The measures assist in avoiding:

  • Over-provisioning: happens when the amount of cloud resources available exceeds the amount of resources needed.

  • Under-provisioning: occurs when the provided resources are insufficient to meet the demand.

  • Resource fragmentation: is a problem that occurs when a system’s resources are unavailable. The available resources are unable to distribute themselves to the needed users.

  • Resource contention: when two or more applications in the cloud system want to utilise the same computational resource in the same instance. Cloud computing technology continues to be used by businesses for a variety of purposes, including enhancing productivity, lowering cloud costs, ensuring data security and storing unlimited data. Knowledge of resource allocation is becoming increasingly important for cloud customers that seek to reduce their cloud use expenses. While there are several techniques for distributing resource in the cloud, the most successful method ison that optimises cloud service provider revenu while also ensuring cloud user pleasure.

This entry was written by Andrea Rossi, Andrea Visentin and Barry O’Sullivan.